NHS Dentist Earls Court has chosen to be an entirely NHS dental practice. By this we mean, that we do not register private patients on principle. All clinically necessary treatment available on the NHS will be offered to our patients.

The Government increases prices annually. A written estimate and treatment plan will be provided before treatment commences (at your initial consultation) however treatment plans may change.

All prices from

NHS Treatments – Band 1:

Diagnosis, treatment planning And maintenance Clinical examination, radiography, scale Clinical assessment, radiographs, scale (if clinically necessary only) by dentist, preventive work: e.g. oral health assessment, study models, denture eases.

NHS Treatments – Band 2:

TreatmentSimple treatment e.g. fillings including root canal therapy, extractions, surgical procedures and denture additions, periodontal treatment (hygienist).

NHS Treatments – Band 3:

Provision of appliances Complex treatment that includes a laboratory element: e.g. bridgework, crowns and dentures, excludes mouth guards for sport & cosmetic veneers.

NHS Treatments – Band 4:

Urgent treatment – emergencies only! – Assessment, radiographs (x-ray), dressings.

DEFINITION: If in the opinion of the dentist prompt treatment is necessary because the patient’s oral health is likely to deteriorate significantly or they are in severe pain by reason of that oral condition, the dentist may provide treatment that is necessary to prevent the deterioration of the condition or to address the severe pain.